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Efficacy of microneedling versus fractional Er:YAG laser in facial rejuvenation.

Related Articles Efficacy of microneedling versus fractional Er:YAG laser in facial rejuvenation. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2020 Jun;19(6):1333-1340 Authors: Robati RM, Hamedani B, Namazi N, Niknejad N, Gheisari M Abstract BACKGROUND: Microneedling and fractional lasers have been used in facial rejuvenation with acceptable results and low adverse effects. AIMS: To compare the efficacy of microneedling with […]

Combining Patient Education With Dry Needling and Ischemic Compression for Treating Myofascial Trigger Points in Office Workers With Neck Pain: A Single-Blinded, Randomized Trial.

Related Articles Combining Patient Education With Dry Needling and Ischemic Compression for Treating Myofascial Trigger Points in Office Workers With Neck Pain: A Single-Blinded, Randomized Trial. J Chiropr Med. 2020 Dec;19(4):222-229 Authors: Otadi K, Sarafraz H, Jalaie S, Rasouli O Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare immediate and short-term effects of […]

Working on the Frontlines of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Physical Therapists' Experience in Spain.

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Efficacy and safety of plasma gel as a new modality in treatment of atrophic acne scars.

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Opposing needling for analgesia and rehabilitation after unilateral total knee arthroplasty: a randomized, sham-controlled trial protocol.

Related Articles Opposing needling for analgesia and rehabilitation after unilateral total knee arthroplasty: a randomized, sham-controlled trial protocol. Trials. 2020 May 07;21(1):385 Authors: Huang H, Song X, Zhao L, Zheng L, Xiao L, Chen Y Abstract BACKGROUND: This randomized controlled clinical trial aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of opposing needling in patients undergoing […]

Clinical Efficacy of Topical Tranexamic Acid With Microneedling in Melasma.

Related Articles Clinical Efficacy of Topical Tranexamic Acid With Microneedling in Melasma. Dermatol Surg. 2020 11;46(11):e96-e101 Authors: Kaur A, Bhalla M, Pal Thami G, Sandhu J Abstract BACKGROUND: Melasma is a common, recurrent, and refractory cause of facial pigmentation resulting in cosmetic disfigurement. Tranexamic acid (TA) has been used systemically and locally for clearance of […]

Tranexamic Acid for Melasma Treatment: A Split-Face Study.

Related Articles Tranexamic Acid for Melasma Treatment: A Split-Face Study. Dermatol Surg. 2020 11;46(11):e102-e107 Authors: Ebrahim HM, Said Abdelshafy A, Khattab F, Gharib K Abstract BACKGROUND: Melasma is an acquired hyperpigmented skin disorder. Tranexamic acid (TXA) prevents ultraviolet radiation induced pigmentation in melasma through interfering with the plasminogen-plasmin pathway. OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to […]

Factors Affecting Depth of Penetration in Microneedling- and Laser-Assisted Drug Delivery: The Importance of Timing of Topical Application.

Related Articles Factors Affecting Depth of Penetration in Microneedling- and Laser-Assisted Drug Delivery: The Importance of Timing of Topical Application. Dermatol Surg. 2020 12;46(12):e146-e153 Authors: Chung HJ, Cheng J, Gonzalez M, Al-Janahi S Abstract BACKGROUND: Microneedling- and laser-assisted drug delivery are emerging techniques used to treat various conditions. However, key parameters affecting drug penetration remain […]

Efficacy of microneedling combined with tacrolimus versus either one alone for vitiligo treatment.

Related Articles Efficacy of microneedling combined with tacrolimus versus either one alone for vitiligo treatment. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2020 Apr;19(4):855-862 Authors: Ebrahim HM, Albalate W Abstract BACKGROUND: Combination therapies have reported to augment the repigmentation in vitiligo. Microneedling (Mn) facilitates drug delivery across the skin barrier. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and compare the efficacy and safety […]

A Systematic Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Microneedling in the Treatment of Melasma.

Related Articles A Systematic Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Microneedling in the Treatment of Melasma. Dermatol Surg. 2020 12;46(12):1636-1641 Authors: Wu SZ, Muddasani S, Alam M Abstract BACKGROUND: Melasma is an acquired disorder of hyperpigmentation that is often recalcitrant to current therapies. Microneedling is used to treat scars, striae, and rhytides and has […]

Flexor Digitorum Brevis Muscle Dry Needling Changes Surface and Plantar Pressures: A Pre-Post Study.

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Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction continues trend for spontaneous resolution beyond first year of life.

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Short-Term Morphological Changes in Asymptomatic Perimandibular Muscles after Dry Needling Assessed with Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging: A Proof-of-Concept Study.

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Immediate Effects of Dry Needling and Myofascial Release on Local and Widespread Pressure Pain Threshold in Individuals With Active Upper Trapezius Trigger Points: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

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Safety of Combined Fractional Microneedle Radiofrequency and CO2 as an Early Intervention for Inflammatory Acne and Scarring Treated With Concomitant Isotretinoin.

Related Articles Safety of Combined Fractional Microneedle Radiofrequency and CO2 as an Early Intervention for Inflammatory Acne and Scarring Treated With Concomitant Isotretinoin. Dermatol Surg. 2020 10;46(10):e71-e77 Authors: Kim J, Lee YI, Kim J, Jung JY, Lee WJ, Lee JH Abstract BACKGROUND: Fractional microneedle radiofrequency (FMRF) systems are popular options for treating acne scars. However, […]


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