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Foundation Course

Neurological Dry Needling for Pain Management & Sports Rehabilitation (Foundation Course)

The Integrative Dry Needling (IDN) training program develops the knowledge and clinical skills required to effectively assess and dry needle painful neuromuscular conditions.

The Integrative Dry Needling (IDN) training program develops the knowledge and clinical skills required to effectively assess and dry needle painful neuromuscular conditions.  This 3-day course teaches participants to treat the body locally, segmentally, and systemically; we do not divide the body up into upper and lower halves requiring you to take 2 courses before being able to need the entire body. Our system is built on the foundation of Neurological Dry Needling utilizing several techniques including peri-neural needling to normalize neurogenic inflammation, microcirculation, to reduce muscular guarding i.e. neuro-trigger points). Our peripheral nerve mapping model is a logical and systemic process that elevates the clinical application of dry needling by needling more than just muscles.  Multiple needling techniques are practiced including the use of electrical nerve stimulation to provide participants with a variety of safe and effective treatment options.   [Prerequisite- Licensed medical professional] 

Advanced Course

The Advanced Neurologic Dry Needling for Pain Management and Performance Enhancement (Advanced Certification Course)

This 3-day lab-based course is designed for IDN clinicians that want to take the next step in understanding and applying dry needling for neuromusculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.

This 3-day lab-based course is designed for IDN clinicians that want to take the next step in understanding and applying dry needling for neuromusculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. The negative effects of neurogenic inflammation and reduced microcirculation will be explained as they relate to central and peripheral nervous system symptoms commonly seen in clinic. The clinician is provided a deeper research-based understanding of the physiologic and therapeutic effects of Neurologic Dry Needling to address these symptoms. Advanced peri-neural, muscular and tendon needling techniques are practiced achieving maximal clinical efficacy.  Electrical nerve stimulation (ENS) will be emphasized as an important adjunct to dry needling treatment.  Focus is on assuring the safe and effective clinical application of dry needling using sound clinical decision-making.  Successful completion of this course results in earning the credential Certified in Integrative Dry Needling (CIDN).  [Prerequisite-Foundation Course]


Chronic pain conditions often involve a complex interplay a peripheral, and central nervous systems. This course provides participants and understanding of the IASP’s classifications of pain (Nociceptive, Nociplastic, and Neuropathic) and provide clinical strategies to examine and treat patients using dry needling based on the primary pain mechanisms.

Chronic pain conditions often involve a complex interplay a peripheral, and central nervous systems. This course provides participants and understanding of the IASP’s classifications of pain (Nociceptive, Nociplastic, and Neuropathic) and provide clinical strategies to examine and treat patients using dry needling based on the primary pain mechanisms.  Neurologic dry needling provides clinicians the knowledge and skills to influence neurogenic inflammation by stimulating neuro-trigger points.  This clinical model can be applied to a wide range of the population from athletes to geriatrics. We provide evidence of how dry needling acts on the peripheral, central, and autonomic nervous systems to desensitize nerve, fibers and activates descending inhibitory pathways to modulate pain perception in the central nervous system. These effects may lead to reduced pain intensity and increase pain threshold providing improved patient function. Participants will also be introduced to important contextual factors, known to moderate treatment effects and alter the patient’s prognosis. The goal of this course is to utilize Neurologic Dry Needling to modulate the nervous system and promote pain relief by reducing neurogenic inflammation of restoring the neural function.

Lumbopelvic Course

Advanced Clinical Integration of the Pelvis, Lumbar, Hips and Abdomen

Our systemic approach is presented and practiced to effectively diagnose and treat painful neuromuscular conditions in the pelvis, lumbar, hip and abdominal regions. 

Our systemic approach is presented and practiced to effectively diagnose and treat painful neuromuscular conditions in the pelvis, lumbar, hip and abdominal regions. The treatment is a logical and practical approach built on the foundation of IDN’s Neurologic Dry Needling model. These are clinically challenging areas to effectively treat; a deeper understanding of how each region influences the other is required to achieve the desired clinical outcomes. A high level of specificity is gained on treating each specific region, but emphasis is placed on how each integrates into the systemic whole. We are able to accomplish this using combinations of dry needling, manual therapy, soft tissue tools and corrective exercises aimed to meet the patient wherever they are in their pain experience. Most importantly, the “why’ of treatment is clearly visualized through our extensive treatment algorithms. Because of the neuroanatomy of the region direct needling of the external genitalia or disrobing the patient is not required to get the desired results. (2-day course) [Prerequisite-prior DN experience]

MSK Ultrasound Course Badge IDN

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for The Assessment & Dry Needling Treatment of Tendinopathy

In this advanced level 2-day course, you will master the 5 P’s system of diagnostic US assessment and treatment to confidently identify normal anatomy to facilitate clinical decision-making.

In this advanced level 2-day course, you will master the 5 P’s system of diagnostic US assessment and treatment to confidently identify normal anatomy to facilitate clinical decision-making.  Ultrasound guided dry needling treatment is focused on utilizing percutaneous needle tenotomy (PNT) for all the shoulder tendon insertions and other common sites of tendinopathy of the upper and lower extremity such as lateral elbow, achilles tendon insertion, patella tendon, quadriceps tendon insertion, gluteus medius and minimus tendons. Research of PNT on commonly visualized tendon dysfunction supports that dry needling, in the symptomatic areas, can yield long-term benefits that rival wet needling procedures i.e. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections.  You will learn and be able to give visual feedback to your patients demonstrating the anatomical condition of their joints and tendons.  [Prerequisite-prior DN experience]  

Cranio Cervical Course

Neurologic Dry Needling for Cranio-Cervical Pain & Dysfunction

This 1-day advanced level training course is designed for clinicians that have prior dry needling training and clinical experience.  This course will develop the knowledge and clinical skills required to safely and effectively diagnose and treat painful neuromuscular conditions in the cranial, facial and cervical regions.

This 1-day advanced level training course is designed for clinicians that have prior dry needling training and clinical experience.  This course will develop the knowledge and clinical skills required to safely and effectively diagnose and treat painful neuromuscular conditions in the cranial, facial and cervical regions.  Details of the musculoskeletal and neuroanatomical relationships, both peripheral and central, that exist between the regions will be discussed.  The role of inflammation (neurogenic) in the production of pain and dysfunction is described. Peri-neural needling techniques for both peripheral and cranial nerves is explained and practiced.  This primarily lab-based course focuses on improving clinical decision-making and treatment outcomes in this challenging patient population.  Complex clinical conditions such as concussions, migraines, TMD, otological symptoms and cervicogenic dizziness are discussed and treatment models are presented.  [Prerequisite-prior DN experience]

Upper Extremity & Hand


This specialty course is designed for licensed healthcare professionals who treat neuromusculoskeletal conditions in the upper extremity and hand. The participant will learn IDN’s neurologic model of dry needling and how to integrate this physical agent modality into their daily clinical model of treatment.

This specialty course is designed for licensed healthcare professionals who treat neuromusculoskeletal conditions in the upper extremity and hand. The participant will learn IDN’s neurologic model of dry needling and how to integrate this physical agent modality into their daily clinical model of treatment.  This lab-based course is focused on using dry needling as a tool to manage pain, restore function and to maximize soft tissue healing and elasticity. IDN’s peripheral nerve mapping model provides the framework for the clinician to address common neuromusculoskeletal conditions encountered in daily practice such as: tendinopathy, epicondylalgia, tenosynovitis, intrinsic and extrinsic tightness, shoulder rotator cuff/impingement syndromes, nerve entrapments, radicular pain, and OA. The course is designed for clinicians with and without prior dry needling training or experience to attend.   The main focus is for the clinician to obtain safe and effective dry needling skills using sound clinical decision-making.


Pre-requisite: Licensed medical professionals – no prior dry needling training required.
NRT Course

Neuro-Release Treatment: Using the 720 Integrative Approach (NRT)

This 2-day lab-based training course utilizing IDN’s neurologic model of a local, segmental, and systemic treatment approach. This course is designed to provide participants with a deeper understanding of how to improve movement and human performance through various manual therapy tools. 

This 2-day lab-based training course utilizing IDN’s neurologic model of a local, segmental, and systemic treatment approach. This course is designed to provide participants with a deeper understanding of how to improve movement and human performance through various manual therapy tools. The therapeutic effects of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage (IASTM), Percussion /Vibration Massage, and Cupping on musculoskeletal, neuropathic, and radiculopathic pain syndromes will be discussed and practiced. Discussions on the negative effects that peripheral nerve inflammation has on muscle function and how IASTM, Percussion/Vibration Massage, and Cupping can assist in maximizing human (athletic) performance is explained. NRT is taught with a patient centered manual therapy approach that encompasses the emotional, physical, and neurologic aspects of treating pain and movement dysfunction.  [Prerequisite-None]


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