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Novel Use of Ultrasound Elastography to Quantify Muscle Tissue Changes After Dry Needling of Myofascial Trigger Points in Patients With Chronic Myofascial Pain.

Related Articles Novel Use of Ultrasound Elastography to Quantify Muscle Tissue Changes After Dry Needling of Myofascial Trigger Points in Patients With Chronic Myofascial Pain. J Ultrasound Med. 2015 Oct 21; Authors: Turo D, Otto P, Hossain M, Gebreab T, Armstrong K, Rosenberger WF, Shao H, Shah JP, Gerber LH, Sikdar S Abstract OBJECTIVES: To […]

Dry needling versus acupuncture: the ongoing debate.

Related Articles Dry needling versus acupuncture: the ongoing debate. Acupunct Med. 2015 Nov 6; Authors: Zhou K, Ma Y, Brogan MS Abstract Although Western medical acupuncture (WMA) is commonly practised in the UK, a particular approach called dry needling (DN) is becoming increasingly popular in other countries. The legitimacy of the use of DN by […]

Dry Needling on the Infraspinatus Latent and Active Myofascial Trigger Points in Older Adults With Nonspecific Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Dry Needling on the Infraspinatus Latent and Active Myofascial Trigger Points in Older Adults With Nonspecific Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2016 Jan 12; Authors: Calvo-Lobo C, Pacheco-da-Costa S, Martínez-Martínez J, Rodríguez-Sanz D, Cuesta-Álvaro P, López-López D Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Shoulder pain is a prevalent condition in older adults. […]

Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography in CRPS: Assessment of Muscles Before and After Motor Function Recovery with Dry Needling as the Sole Treatment.

Related Articles Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography in CRPS: Assessment of Muscles Before and After Motor Function Recovery with Dry Needling as the Sole Treatment. Pain Physician. 2016 Jan;19(1):E163-E180 Authors: Vas LC, Pai R, Pattnaik M Abstract BACKGROUND: Motor impairment is an important criterion in the Clinical Diagnostic Criteria (CDC) of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type-1 (CRPS-1) as […]

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-Type 1 Presenting as deQuervain's Stenosing Tenosynovitis.

Related Articles Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-Type 1 Presenting as deQuervain’s Stenosing Tenosynovitis. Pain Physician. 2016 Jan;19(1):E227-E234 Authors: Vas L, Pai R Abstract AIM: To report the presentation of complex regional pain syndrome-1 (CRPS-1) as deQuervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis (DQST). CASE REPORT: A 24-year-old woman presented with 3-year history of clinical diagnostic criteria (CDC) of CRPS-1. Conservative […]

Trigger point dry needling versus strain-counterstrain technique for upper trapezius myofascial trigger points: a randomised controlled trial.

Related Articles Trigger point dry needling versus strain-counterstrain technique for upper trapezius myofascial trigger points: a randomised controlled trial. Acupunct Med. 2016 Jan 8; Authors: Segura-Ortí E, Prades-Vergara S, Manzaneda-Piña L, Valero-Martínez R, Polo-Traverso JA Abstract BACKGROUND: Treatment of active myofascial trigger points includes both invasive and non-invasive techniques. OBJECTIVES: To compare the effects of […]

Dry needling is acupuncture.

Dry needling is acupuncture. Acupunct Med. 2015 Dec 15; Authors: Fan AY, He H PMID: 26672062 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

Comparison of Dry Needling versus Orthopedic Manual Therapy in Patients with Myofascial Chronic Neck Pain: A Single-Blind, Randomized Pilot Study.

Related Articles Comparison of Dry Needling versus Orthopedic Manual Therapy in Patients with Myofascial Chronic Neck Pain: A Single-Blind, Randomized Pilot Study. Pain Res Treat. 2015;2015:327307 Authors: Campa-Moran I, Rey-Gudin E, Fernández-Carnero J, Paris-Alemany A, Gil-Martinez A, Lerma Lara S, Prieto-Baquero A, Alonso-Perez JL, La Touche R Abstract Objective. The aim of this study was […]

The clinical impact of platelet-rich plasma on tendinopathy compared to placebo or dry needling injections: A meta-analysis.

The clinical impact of platelet-rich plasma on tendinopathy compared to placebo or dry needling injections: A meta-analysis. Phys Ther Sport. 2015 Jun 18; Authors: Tsikopoulos K, Tsikopoulos I, Simeonidis E, Papathanasiou E, Haidich AB, Anastasopoulos N, Natsis K Abstract OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this meta-analysis was to compare the impact of platelet-rich plasma with that […]

A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – October 2015.

A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – October 2015. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2015 Oct;19(4):736-46 Authors: Dommerholt J, Grieve R, Hooks T, Layton M Abstract The number of publications about myofascial pain and trigger points (TrP) seems to increase every year. In the current overview we include 27 articles published in past […]

[Cervical myofascial pain syndrome. Narrative review of physiotherapeutic treatment].

[Cervical myofascial pain syndrome. Narrative review of physiotherapeutic treatment]. An Sist Sanit Navar. 2015 enero-abril;38(1):105-115 Authors: Capó-Juan MA Abstract Pain is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon that depends on the interaction of biopsychosocial factors. Between 15-25% of adults suffer from chronic pain at some point in their lives. Cervical chronic pain is considered a public […]

Trigger Point Dry Needling and Proprioceptive Exercises for the Management of Chronic Ankle Instability: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Related Articles Trigger Point Dry Needling and Proprioceptive Exercises for the Management of Chronic Ankle Instability: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015;2015:790209 Authors: Salom-Moreno J, Ayuso-Casado B, Tamaral-Costa B, Sánchez-Milá Z, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C, Alburquerque-Sendín F Abstract Objective. To compare the effects of combined trigger point dry needling (TrP-DN) and proprioceptive/strengthening exercises […]


DRY NEEDLING FOR MYOFASCIAL TRIGGER POINT PAIN: A CLINICAL COMMENTARY. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2015 Jun;10(3):402-18 Authors: Unverzagt C, Berglund K, Thomas JJ Abstract UNLABELLED: Sports and orthopaedic physical therapists have long used a multitude of techniques in order to address pain and dysfunction associated with myofascial trigger points. One technique in particular has […]

Deconstructing Chronic Low Back Pain in the Older Adult-Step by Step Evidence and Expert-Based Recommendations for Evaluation and Treatment: Part II: Myofascial Pain.

Deconstructing Chronic Low Back Pain in the Older Adult-Step by Step Evidence and Expert-Based Recommendations for Evaluation and Treatment: Part II: Myofascial Pain. Pain Med. 2015 Jun 18; Authors: Lisi AJ, Breuer P, Gallagher RM, Rodriguez E, Rossi MI, Schmader K, Scholten JD, Weiner DK Abstract OBJECTIVE: To present an algorithm of sequential treatment options […]

Baseline Examination Factors Associated With Clinical Improvement After Dry Needling in Individuals With Low Back Pain.

Baseline Examination Factors Associated With Clinical Improvement After Dry Needling in Individuals With Low Back Pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2015 Jun 25;:1-31 Authors: Koppenhaver SL, Walker MJ, Smith RW, Booker JM, Walkup ID, Su J, Hebert JJ, Flynn T Abstract Study Design Quasi-experimental. Objectives To explore for associations between demographic, patient history, and […]

A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – July 2015.

Related Articles A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – July 2015. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2015 Jul;19(3):482-93 Authors: Dommerholt J, Hooks T, Grieve R, Layton M Abstract The current overview includes thirty articles published in the recent past about myofascial pain, trigger points (TrPs) and related topics. In the Basic Research section, […]

Neuroscience education in addition to trigger point dry needling for the management of patients with mechanical chronic low back pain: A preliminary clinical trial.

Related Articles Neuroscience education in addition to trigger point dry needling for the management of patients with mechanical chronic low back pain: A preliminary clinical trial. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2015 Jul;19(3):464-72 Authors: Téllez-García M, de-la-Llave-Rincón AI, Salom-Moreno J, Palacios-Ceña M, Ortega-Santiago R, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C Abstract The objective of the current study was to determine […]


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