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Corticosteroid injection for plantar heel pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Related Articles Corticosteroid injection for plantar heel pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019 Aug 17;20(1):378 Authors: Whittaker GA, Munteanu SE, Menz HB, Bonanno DR, Gerrard JM, Landorf KB Abstract BACKGROUND: Corticosteroid injection is frequently used for plantar heel pain (plantar fasciitis), although there is limited high-quality evidence to support this treatment. […]


Related Articles DRY NEEDLING IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS MEETING CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR SUBACROMIAL PAIN SYNDROME: A CASE SERIES. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2019 Jul;14(4):637-654 Authors: Morgan BC, Deyle GD, Petersen EJ, Allen CS, Koppenhaver SL Abstract Background: Physical therapy interventions of exercise and manual therapy provide benefit in treatment of subacromial pain […]

Comparison of the Efficacies of Dry Needling and Botox Methods in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome Affecting the Temporomandibular Joint.

Comparison of the Efficacies of Dry Needling and Botox Methods in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome Affecting the Temporomandibular Joint. J Craniofac Surg. 2019 Jul;30(5):1556-1559 Authors: Kütük SG, Özkan Y, Kütük M, Özdaş T Abstract BACKGROUND: To compare the efficacies of botulinum toxin-A injection and dry needling methods in the treatment of patients with […]

Percutaneous Tendon Needling without Ultrasonography for Lateral Epicondylitis.

Related Articles Percutaneous Tendon Needling without Ultrasonography for Lateral Epicondylitis. Keio J Med. 2019 Jul 06;: Authors: Suzuki T, Iwamoto T, Matsumura N, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Sato K Abstract Percutaneous ultrasonic tendon needling has been used to treat persistent lateral epicondylitis, and its efficacy has been demonstrated. However, whether ultrasonography is necessary remains unclear. […]

[Neck pain: which physical therapies are recommended ?]

Related Articles [Neck pain: which physical therapies are recommended ?] Rev Med Suisse. 2019 Jun 19;15(656):1266-1271 Authors: Lima Faria L, Berney S, Tartarat-Chapitre M, Schindler M Abstract Different physical therapies for cervicalgia are described, as well as their efficacy, adverse effects, degree of evidence and recommendations. Several guidelines recommend active exercise, patient education and various […]

Acupuncture for Pain.

Acupuncture for Pain. Am Fam Physician. 2019 Jul 15;100(2):89-96 Authors: Kelly RB, Willis J Abstract Acupuncture has been increasingly used as an integrative or complementary therapy for pain. It is well-tolerated with little risk of serious adverse effects. Traditional acupuncture and nontraditional techniques, such as electroacupuncture and dry needling, often result in reported pain improvement. […]

Dry needling equilibration theory: A mechanistic explanation for enhancing sensorimotor function in individuals with chronic ankle instability.

Dry needling equilibration theory: A mechanistic explanation for enhancing sensorimotor function in individuals with chronic ankle instability. Physiother Theory Pract. 2019 Jul 16;:1-10 Authors: Mullins JF, Nitz AJ, Hoch MC Abstract Patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI) experience a dynamic interplay between impaired mechanical structures and sensorimotor deficiencies that contribute to recurrent sprains and sensations […]

Current statement about Dry Needling practice in Italy after the opinion of the Italian Superior Health Council: practical implications for the safeguard of the patients in a case of malpractice.

Related Articles Current statement about Dry Needling practice in Italy after the opinion of the Italian Superior Health Council: practical implications for the safeguard of the patients in a case of malpractice. Ig Sanita Pubbl. 2019 Jan-Feb;75(1):77-79 Authors: Ronconi G, Nigito C, De Giorgio F, Ferrara PE Abstract In an our previous article, we described […]

Prediction Model for Choosing Needle Length to Minimize Risk of Median Nerve Puncture With Dry Needling of the Pronator Teres.

Related Articles Prediction Model for Choosing Needle Length to Minimize Risk of Median Nerve Puncture With Dry Needling of the Pronator Teres. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2019 Jun 28;: Authors: Ferrer-Peña R, Calvo-Lobo C, Gómez M, Muñoz-García D Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to relate forearm anthropometric measures to ultrasound pronator teres […]

Comparison of the Efficacies of Dry Needling and Botox Methods in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome Affecting the Temporomandibular Joint.

Comparison of the Efficacies of Dry Needling and Botox Methods in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome Affecting the Temporomandibular Joint. J Craniofac Surg. 2019 Apr 02;: Authors: Kütük SG, Özkan Y, Kütük M, Özdaş T Abstract BACKGROUND: To compare the efficacies of botulinum toxin-A injection and dry needling methods in the treatment of patients […]

Comparison of Early Effectiveness of Three Different Intervention Methods in Patients with Chronic Orofacial Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial.

Related Articles Comparison of Early Effectiveness of Three Different Intervention Methods in Patients with Chronic Orofacial Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial. Pain Res Manag. 2019;2019:7954291 Authors: Dalewski B, Kamińska A, Szydłowski M, Kozak M, Sobolewska E Abstract Background: Occlusal appliances are still widely used instruments in the management of orofacial pain in dentistry, yet […]

Effects of dry needling in the sternocleidomastoid muscle on cervical motor control in patients with neck pain: a randomised clinical trial.

Related Articles Effects of dry needling in the sternocleidomastoid muscle on cervical motor control in patients with neck pain: a randomised clinical trial. Acupunct Med. 2019 Apr 24;:964528419843913 Authors: Martín-Rodríguez A, Sáez-Olmo E, Pecos-Martín D, Calvo-Lobo C Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the changes produced by trigger point dry needling (TrP-DN) of sternocleidomastoid in patients with […]

Acupuncture gone awry: a case report of a patient who required surgical removal of two single-use filament needles following acupuncture treatment.

Related Articles Acupuncture gone awry: a case report of a patient who required surgical removal of two single-use filament needles following acupuncture treatment. J Man Manip Ther. 2019 Apr 25;:1-5 Authors: Snyder DD Abstract BACKGROUND: Acupuncture and dry needling are increasingly popular treatment modalities used to treat pain around the world. This case report documents […]

Effects of dry needling on tendon-pulley architecture, pain and hand function in patients with trigger finger: a randomized controlled trial study.

Related Articles Effects of dry needling on tendon-pulley architecture, pain and hand function in patients with trigger finger: a randomized controlled trial study. J Phys Ther Sci. 2019 Apr;31(4):295-298 Authors: Azizian M, Bagheri H, Olyaei G, Shadmehr A, Okhovatpour MA, Dehghan P, Jalaei S, Sarafraz H Abstract [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to […]

A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – February 2019.

Related Articles A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – February 2019. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2019 Apr;23(2):295-305 Authors: Dommerholt J, Chou LW, Finnegan M, Hooks T Abstract This edition of the overview of current myofascial pain literature features several interesting and important publications. From Australia, Braithwaite and colleagues completed an outstanding systematic […]

The association of Erector Spinae Plane Block and ultrasound guided dry needling could be a winning strategy for long-term relief of chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Related Articles The association of Erector Spinae Plane Block and ultrasound guided dry needling could be a winning strategy for long-term relief of chronic musculoskeletal pain. Minerva Anestesiol. 2019 May 21;: Authors: Fusco P, De Paolis V, De Sanctis F, Di Carlo S, Petrucci E, Marinangeli F Abstract PMID: 31124623 [PubMed – as supplied by […]

[Features of clinical application of eye acupuncture therapy revealed by data mining].

Related Articles [Features of clinical application of eye acupuncture therapy revealed by data mining]. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2019 May 25;44(5):377-82 Authors: Li TY, Xing HJ, Xu YY, Shi J, Wang JL, Sun YH, Li XF, Xu J, Zhang XP, Zhang X, Jia CS Abstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate the features, dominant indications and application regularities […]

How strong is the evidence that conservative treatment reduces pain and improves function in individuals with patellar tendinopathy? A systematic review of randomised controlled trials including GRADE recommendations.

Related Articles How strong is the evidence that conservative treatment reduces pain and improves function in individuals with patellar tendinopathy? A systematic review of randomised controlled trials including GRADE recommendations. Br J Sports Med. 2019 Jun 06;: Authors: Mendonça LM, Leite H, Zwerver J, Henschke N, Branco G, Oliveira VC Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the […]


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