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Comparative study of treatment interventions for patellar tendinopathy: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Related Articles Comparative study of treatment interventions for patellar tendinopathy: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2020 Feb 16;10(2):e034304 Authors: López-Royo MP, Gómez-Trullén EM, Ortiz-Lucas M, Galán-Díaz RM, Bataller-Cervero AV, Al-Boloushi Z, Hamam-Alcober Y, Herrero P Abstract INTRODUCTION: Patellar tendinopathy is a degenerative disease of the patellar tendon, which affects athletes from […]

Effects of Kinesio Taping on Post-Needling Induced Pain After Dry Needling of Active Trigger Point in Individuals With Mechanical Neck Pain.

Related Articles Effects of Kinesio Taping on Post-Needling Induced Pain After Dry Needling of Active Trigger Point in Individuals With Mechanical Neck Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2020 Feb 12;: Authors: Arias-Buría JL, Franco-Hidalgo-Chacón MM, Cleland JA, Palacios-Ceña M, Fuensalida-Novo S, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C Abstract OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness […]

Trigger point dry needling, manual therapy and exercise versus manual therapy and exercise for the management of Achilles tendinopathy: a feasibility study.

Related Articles Trigger point dry needling, manual therapy and exercise versus manual therapy and exercise for the management of Achilles tendinopathy: a feasibility study. J Man Manip Ther. 2020 Feb 12;:1-10 Authors: Koszalinski A, Flynn T, Hellman M, Cleland JA Abstract Objectives: The effects of trigger point dry needling (TDN) on myofascial trigger points (MTP) […]

Towards more homogenous and rigorous methods in sham-controlled dry needling trials: two Delphi surveys.

Related Articles Towards more homogenous and rigorous methods in sham-controlled dry needling trials: two Delphi surveys. Physiotherapy. 2019 Dec 02;106:12-23 Authors: Braithwaite FA, Walters JL, Moseley GL, Williams MT, McEvoy MP Abstract OBJECTIVES: Sham-controlled trials of dry needling, a popular treatment for pain, use a range of methods and theoretical frameworks and most have high […]

Post-needling soreness and trigger point dry needling for hemiplegic shoulder pain following stroke.

Related Articles Post-needling soreness and trigger point dry needling for hemiplegic shoulder pain following stroke. Acupunct Med. 2020 Feb 03;:964528419882941 Authors: Mendigutía-Gómez A, Quintana-García MT, Martín-Sevilla M, de Lorenzo-Barrientos D, Rodríguez-Jiménez J, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C, Arias-Buría JL Abstract OBJECTIVES: To determine the presence of post-needling induced pain in subjects who had suffered a stroke and received […]

Conservative management of Morel-Lavallée lesion: a case study.

Related Articles Conservative management of Morel-Lavallée lesion: a case study. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2019 Dec;63(3):178-186 Authors: Doelen TV, Manis A Abstract Objective: To illustrate the conservative clinical management of Morel-Lavallée lesion. Clinical features: A 34 year-old male presented with a forced flexion induced right knee injury that was diagnosed as a Morel-Lavallée lesion by […]

Short-term effects of two deep dry needling techniques on pressure pain thresholds and electromyographic amplitude of the lumbosacral multifidus in patients with low back pain – a randomized clinical trial.

Related Articles Short-term effects of two deep dry needling techniques on pressure pain thresholds and electromyographic amplitude of the lumbosacral multifidus in patients with low back pain – a randomized clinical trial. J Man Manip Ther. 2020 Jan 17;:1-12 Authors: Wang-Price S, Zafereo J, Couch Z, Brizzolara K, Heins T, Smith L Abstract Objectives: The […]

Effectiveness of dry needling for headache: A systematic review.

Related Articles Effectiveness of dry needling for headache: A systematic review. Neurologia. 2020 Jan 13;: Authors: Vázquez-Justes D, Yarzábal-Rodríguez R, Doménech-García V, Herrero P, Bellosta-López P Abstract INTRODUCTION: Non-pharmacological treatment of patients with headache, such as dry needling (DN), is associated with less morbidity and mortality and lower costs than pharmacological treatment. Some of these […]

Effectiveness of dry needling for improving pain and disability in adults with tension-type, cervicogenic, or migraine headaches: protocol for a systematic review.

Effectiveness of dry needling for improving pain and disability in adults with tension-type, cervicogenic, or migraine headaches: protocol for a systematic review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2019;27:43 Authors: Pourahmadi M, Mohseni-Bandpei MA, Keshtkar A, Koes BW, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C, Dommerholt J, Bahramian M Abstract Background: Headache is the most common neurological symptoms worldwide, as over 90% of […]

Effectiveness between Dry Needling and Ischemic Compression in the Triceps Surae Latent Myofascial Trigger Points of Triathletes on Pressure Pain Threshold and Thermography: A Single Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial.

Related Articles Effectiveness between Dry Needling and Ischemic Compression in the Triceps Surae Latent Myofascial Trigger Points of Triathletes on Pressure Pain Threshold and Thermography: A Single Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial. J Clin Med. 2019 Oct 05;8(10): Authors: Benito-de-Pedro M, Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo R, Losa-Iglesias ME, Rodríguez-Sanz D, López-López D, Cosín-Matamoros J, Martínez-Jiménez EM, Calvo-Lobo C Abstract […]

Non-surgical treatment of patellar tendinopathy: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.

Related Articles Non-surgical treatment of patellar tendinopathy: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. J Sci Med Sport. 2019 Sep 13;: Authors: Vander Doelen T, Jelley W Abstract STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials. OBJECTIVES: To determine the most effective non-surgical treatment interventions for reducing pain and improving function for patients with patellar […]

Nonpharmacological Treatment of Army Service Members with Chronic Pain Is Associated with Fewer Adverse Outcomes After Transition to the Veterans Health Administration.

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Comparison of the efficacy of dry needling and trigger point injections with exercise in temporomandibular myofascial pain treatment.

Related Articles Comparison of the efficacy of dry needling and trigger point injections with exercise in temporomandibular myofascial pain treatment. Turk J Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Sep;65(3):228-235 Authors: Aksu Ö, Pekin Doğan Y, Sayıner Çağlar N, Şener BM Abstract Objectives: We aimed to compare the efficacy of dry needling, trigger point injection, and protection methods […]

Cadaveric and ultrasonographic validation of needling placement in the obliquus capitis inferior muscle.

Related Articles Cadaveric and ultrasonographic validation of needling placement in the obliquus capitis inferior muscle. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2019 Oct 25;:102075 Authors: Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C, Mesa-Jiménez JA, Lopez-Davis A, Koppenhaver SL, Arias-Buría JL Abstract BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that suboccipital musculature plays an important role in headache. Proper therapeutic approaches targeting this muscle are needed. OBJECTIVE: Our […]

Effects Of Heat-Conduction Dry Needling Therapy On TRPV1 Channel In Rats.

Related Articles Effects Of Heat-Conduction Dry Needling Therapy On TRPV1 Channel In Rats. J Pain Res. 2019;12:2865-2874 Authors: Wang G, Wang X, Gao Q, Wang N, Zhou M Abstract Purpose: This study was aimed to investigate the effects of heat-conduction dry needling therapy on chronic myofascial pain syndrome (CMPS) in rats and explore the analgesic […]

Comparative Effectiveness of Different Nonsurgical Treatments for Patellar Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis.

Related Articles Comparative Effectiveness of Different Nonsurgical Treatments for Patellar Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. Arthroscopy. 2019 Nov;35(11):3117-3131.e2 Authors: Chen PC, Wu KT, Chou WY, Huang YC, Wang LY, Yang TH, Siu KK, Tu YK Abstract PURPOSE: To investigate the functional improvement and pain reduction of different nonsurgical treatments for patellar tendinopathy (PT), […]


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