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Optimizing physical therapy for ankylosing spondylitis: a case study in a young football player.

Optimizing physical therapy for ankylosing spondylitis: a case study in a young football player. J Phys Ther Sci. 2016 Apr;28(4):1392-1397 Authors: Tricás-Moreno JM, Lucha-López MO, Lucha-López AC, Salavera-Bordás C, Vidal-Peracho C Abstract [Purpose] Ankylosing spondylitis is prevalent in men. Modern and expert consensus documents include physical therapy among the strategies for the treatment of ankylosing […]

Effect of Dry Needling on Spasticity, Shoulder Range of Motion, and Pressure Pain Sensitivity in Patients With Stroke: A Crossover Study.

Related Articles Effect of Dry Needling on Spasticity, Shoulder Range of Motion, and Pressure Pain Sensitivity in Patients With Stroke: A Crossover Study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016 May 7; Authors: Mendigutia-Gómez A, Martín-Hernández C, Salom-Moreno J, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C Abstract OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the inclusion of […]

Are Acupuncture Therapies Effective for the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Extremities? A Systematic Review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration.

Related Articles Are Acupuncture Therapies Effective for the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Extremities? A Systematic Review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016 Apr 26;:1-80 Authors: Cox J, Varatharajan S, Côté P, Yu H, Wong JJ, Sutton D, Randhawa K, Goldgrub R, Southerst D, […]

Effects of Intramuscular Electrical Stimulation Using Inversely Placed Electrodes on Myofascial Pain Syndrome in the Shoulder: A Case Series.

Related Articles Effects of Intramuscular Electrical Stimulation Using Inversely Placed Electrodes on Myofascial Pain Syndrome in the Shoulder: A Case Series. Korean J Pain. 2016 Apr;29(2):136-40 Authors: Shanmugam S, Mathias L, Thakur A, Kumar D Abstract Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is one of the common musculoskeletal conditions of the shoulder which may develop sensory-motor and […]


Related Articles ACUTE EFFECTS OF DRY NEEDLING ON POSTERIOR SHOULDER TIGHTNESS. A CASE REPORT. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2016 Apr;11(2):254-63 Authors: Passigli S, Plebani G, Poser A Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Posterior shoulder tightness has been associated with numerous shoulder disorders. Methods to increase posterior shoulder mobility may be beneficial. The purpose of this […]

Physical Therapy Treatment Of Chronic Neck Pain A Discussion And Case Study: Using Dry Needling And Battlefield Acupuncture.

Physical Therapy Treatment Of Chronic Neck Pain A Discussion And Case Study: Using Dry Needling And Battlefield Acupuncture. J Spec Oper Med. 2016;16(1):1-5 Authors: Guthrie RM, Chorba R Abstract PURPOSE: Chronic mechanical neck pain can have a complex clinical presentation and is often difficult to treat. This case study illustrates a successful physical therapy treatment […]

A New Perspective of Neuromyopathy to Explain Intractable Pancreatic Cancer Pains; Dry Needling as an Effective Adjunct to Neurolytic Blocks.

A New Perspective of Neuromyopathy to Explain Intractable Pancreatic Cancer Pains; Dry Needling as an Effective Adjunct to Neurolytic Blocks. Indian J Palliat Care. 2016 Jan-Mar;22(1):85-93 Authors: Vas L, Phanse S, Pai R Abstract UNLABELLED: We present a new perspective of neuromyopathy in pancreatic cancer pain (PCP) referral to bodywall; proposal of new rationale to […]

Effectiveness of trigger point dry needling for multiple body regions: a systematic review.

Related Articles Effectiveness of trigger point dry needling for multiple body regions: a systematic review. J Man Manip Ther. 2015 Dec;23(5):276-93 Authors: Boyles R, Fowler R, Ramsey D, Burrows E Abstract BACKGROUND: Trigger point dry needling (TDN) is commonly used to treat musculoskeletal pain related to myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). To date, no systematic review […]

Effectiveness of dry needling on reducing pain intensity in patients with myofascial pain syndrome: a Meta-analysis.

Effectiveness of dry needling on reducing pain intensity in patients with myofascial pain syndrome: a Meta-analysis. J Tradit Chin Med. 2016 Feb;36(1):1-13 Authors: Rodríguez-Mansilla J, González-Sánchez B, De Toro García Á, Valera-Donoso E, Garrido-Ardila EM, Jiménez-Palomares M, González López-Arza MV Abstract OBJECTIVE: To summarize the literature about the effectiveness of dry needling (DN) on relieving […]

A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – January 2016.

Related Articles A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – January 2016. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2016 Jan;20(1):156-67 Authors: Dommerholt J, Finnegan M, Grieve R, Hooks T Abstract Reflecting on the past year, the number of publications on myofascial pain continues to increase in a steady rate. The current review includes 30 basic […]

Why should I attend an IDN course, I already have dry needling experience?

We routinely get the question, “If I have already completed a myofascial trigger point dry needling course why should I attend an Integrative Dry Needling (IDN) course?” The best answer is to acquire a more diverse understanding and progress your skill development. The framework that many clinicians have trained and worked under lives in the […]

[Infection of a hip prosthesis after dry needling].

[Infection of a hip prosthesis after dry needling]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2015;160:A9364 Authors: Steentjes K, de Vries LM, Ridwan BU, Wijgman AJ Abstract A 57-year-old patient presented to the orthopaedic department with hip pain 7 months after hip replacement and two weeks after dry needling by a physiotherapist. Dry needling is used by physiotherapists to […]

Dry Needling on the Infraspinatus Latent and Active Myofascial Trigger Points in Older Adults With Nonspecific Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Dry Needling on the Infraspinatus Latent and Active Myofascial Trigger Points in Older Adults With Nonspecific Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2016 Jan 12; Authors: Calvo-Lobo C, Pacheco-da-Costa S, Martínez-Martínez J, Rodríguez-Sanz D, Cuesta-Álvaro P, López-López D Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Shoulder pain is a prevalent condition in older adults. […]

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-Type 1 Presenting as deQuervain's Stenosing Tenosynovitis.

Related Articles Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-Type 1 Presenting as deQuervain’s Stenosing Tenosynovitis. Pain Physician. 2016 Jan;19(1):E227-E234 Authors: Vas L, Pai R Abstract AIM: To report the presentation of complex regional pain syndrome-1 (CRPS-1) as deQuervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis (DQST). CASE REPORT: A 24-year-old woman presented with 3-year history of clinical diagnostic criteria (CDC) of CRPS-1. Conservative […]

Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography in CRPS: Assessment of Muscles Before and After Motor Function Recovery with Dry Needling as the Sole Treatment.

Related Articles Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography in CRPS: Assessment of Muscles Before and After Motor Function Recovery with Dry Needling as the Sole Treatment. Pain Physician. 2016 Jan;19(1):E163-E180 Authors: Vas LC, Pai R, Pattnaik M Abstract BACKGROUND: Motor impairment is an important criterion in the Clinical Diagnostic Criteria (CDC) of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type-1 (CRPS-1) as […]

Trigger point dry needling versus strain-counterstrain technique for upper trapezius myofascial trigger points: a randomised controlled trial.

Related Articles Trigger point dry needling versus strain-counterstrain technique for upper trapezius myofascial trigger points: a randomised controlled trial. Acupunct Med. 2016 Jan 8; Authors: Segura-Ortí E, Prades-Vergara S, Manzaneda-Piña L, Valero-Martínez R, Polo-Traverso JA Abstract BACKGROUND: Treatment of active myofascial trigger points includes both invasive and non-invasive techniques. OBJECTIVES: To compare the effects of […]

Comparison of Dry Needling versus Orthopedic Manual Therapy in Patients with Myofascial Chronic Neck Pain: A Single-Blind, Randomized Pilot Study.

Related Articles Comparison of Dry Needling versus Orthopedic Manual Therapy in Patients with Myofascial Chronic Neck Pain: A Single-Blind, Randomized Pilot Study. Pain Res Treat. 2015;2015:327307 Authors: Campa-Moran I, Rey-Gudin E, Fernández-Carnero J, Paris-Alemany A, Gil-Martinez A, Lerma Lara S, Prieto-Baquero A, Alonso-Perez JL, La Touche R Abstract Objective. The aim of this study was […]


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